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* = undergraduate co-author, ** = graduate co-author, *** = postdoc co-author


In Review/Revision/Press


Davenport, J.M., A.M. Babineau**, J. Hargett*, Z. Vegso*, R.W. Van Devender, and J.R. Spotila. In Review. Trends in salamander abundance in the Southern Appalachians over 105 years. 

Sloan, R.S.** ,S.T. Giery, and J.M. Davenport. In Review. Temperature effects on compensatory responses in an early spring breeding amphibian

Siegel, D.S., J.M. Davenport, D. A. Beamer, J. Nasser, and C.M. Murray. In Press. Head shape seasonal dynamics of Eurycea chamberlainii

Hossack, B.R., J.M. Davenport, C.K. Mattison*, C. A. Eagles-Smith, L.A. Fishback, B. J. Tornabene, and K. L. Smalling. In Press. Methylmercury in subarctic amphibians: environmental gradients, bioaccumulation, and estimated flux. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

Shoptaugh, H.,** J.R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. In Review. Short-Term Visits, but Long-Term Effects of Common Snapping Turtles (Chelydra serpentina) in Freshwater Systems

Fournier, R.*, J.R. Ennen, P.R. Gould, K.K. Cecala, S. Sweat, D. Garig**, R. Colvin, and J.M. Davenport. In Revision. Comparison of the effects of habitat type and human influence on occupancy of freshwater turtles in the Mississippi embayment. 

Babineau, A.M. and J.M. Davenport. In Revision. Abundance and detection probabilities for three montane Plethodontid salamanders in the Southern Appalachian Mountains


Stemp**, K.M. and J.M. Davenport. In Revision. Predator hunting mode does not predict intraguild interactions or top-down effects on prey

Anderson, T., J. Burkhart, K.M. Stemp, A. Messerman, D.S. Siegel, and J.M. Davenport. In Review. Variation in phenology across life stages and climate affect juvenile salamander demography

Grear, D. et al. (huge list of collaborators*). In Press. Pan-Amphibia distribution of the fungal parasite Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis varies with species and temperature. Ecological Monographs




63. Davenport, J.M., A.M. Babineau, R.S. Sloan**, A. Groesbeck*, A. Montazeri, and M. Ramey. 2025Sexual dimorphic effects of a keystone predator on prey communities. Ecology 106:e4530.

62. Vaziri, G.J., et al. 2025. Gut microbiomes are largely unchanged when exposed to their amphibian host's latitudinally variable upper thermal limit. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 302:111816. 

61. Rooney, B.R., et al. (huge list of collaborators). 2025SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: The first five years of data from a coordinated camera trap survey of the United States. Global Ecology and Biogeography 34:e13941.


60. Davenport, J.M., A. Feltmann*, LA. Fishback, and B.R. Hossack. 2024Assessing predictions from optimal egg theory for an ectotherm relative to habitat duration at the Arctic’s edge. Wildlife Letters 2:124-130.

59. Vegso*, Z.T. and J.M. Davenport. 2024A re-examination of body size reduction in Plethodon yonahlossee populations due to climate change. Journal of Herpetology 58:118971. 

58. Drake*, S., J. R. Ennen, K.K. Cecala, S.M. Fix, and J.M. Davenport. 2024. Interspecific interactions between headwater stream vertebrates is not mediated by flow in experimental streams. Ichthyology and Herpetology 112:210-216.

57. Kays et al. (huge list of collaborators*). 2024. Climate, food, and humans predict mammal communities in the United States. Diversity and Distributions e13900. 

56. Davenport, J.M., D. Burton*, L. Suchniak*, and T. L. Anderson**. 2024. Variability in intermediate predator hatching does not increase cannibalism or decrease top-down effects of top predators. Canadian Journal of Zoology 102:506-516. 


55. Giery, Sean T., R. Sloan**, A. Groesbeck*, and J. M. Davenport. 2024Ecosystem effects of intraspecific variation in a colour polymorphic amphibian. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 291:20240016.


54. Jefferson**, K. R., W. S. Zoughaib*, J. M. Davenport, D. A. Beamer, L. J. Kirschman, D. S. Siegel. 2024Cranial Courtship Glands of Eurycea chamberlaini. Ichthyology and Herpetology 112:53-59.


53. LaFrance, B.J. et al. (huge list of collaborators*). 2024. A dataset of amphibian species in U.S. National Parks. Scientific Data 11:32.


52. Anderson***, T.L. and J.M. Davenport. 2023. Predicting prey diversity with multiple predator effects. Food Webs 37:e00308.

51. Culp*, E., S. Fix, J. Ennen, J.M. Davenport, and K.C. Cecala. 2023. Investigating Ex Situ Competitive Interactions in a Novel Fish Community with Implications for the Introduction of Sunfish (Lepomis spp.) in Headwater Streams. Ichthyology & Herpetology 111:634-640.

50. Cannon*, C.L. and J.M. Davenport. 2023. Microgeographic scale population risk determines the adaptive responses of larval salamanders to predator kairomones. Amphibia-Reptilia 44:483-494.

49. Morison, M., N.J. Casson, S. Mamet, J.M. Davenport, T. Livingston, LA Fishback, H. White, and A .Windsor 2023. Snow, ponds, trees, and frogs: how environmental processes mediate climate change impacts on four subarctic terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. FACETS 8:1-15.

48. Anderson***, T.L., J. Burkhart***, Jacob, J. Cianci-Gaskill, and J.M. Davenport. Limited population and community effects of hatching asynchrony in a pond‐breeding salamander. Ecosphere 14 (2), e4372.

47. Hastings, T. P.**, B. R. Hossack, LA Fishback, and J. M. Davenport. 2023. Using physiological conditions to assess current and future habitat use of a Subarctic frog. Integrative Zoology 18:2-14.



46. Davenport, J. M., D. A. Beamer, C. Long*, T. Waltz*, S. Wren*, and D. S. Siegel. 2022Reproductive biology and population structure of Eurycea chamberlaini in North Carolina. Ichthyology & Herpetology 110:728-736.

45. Kays et al. (huge list of collaborators*). 2022. Snapshot USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ecology 103:e3775


44. Stemp**, K.M., T.L. Anderson***, and J.M. Davenport. 2022. Multiple predator effects and functional redundancy of a keystone predator. Journal of Herpetology 56:18-26.



43. Anderson***, T.L., J.J. Burkhart***, and J.M. Davenport. 2021. Asymmetric density-dependent competition and predation between larval salamanders. Freshwater Biology 66:1356-1365.

42. Garig, D.F.**, J.R. Ennen, S.J. Hyder**, T. Simmonds*, A.J. Feltmann*, R. Colvin, J. Denison, L. Pearson**, B.R. Kreiser, S.C. Sweat, and J. M. Davenport. 2021Status of the Alligator Snapping Turtle, Macrochelys temminckii, in West Tennessee. Chelonian Conservation and Biology 20:35-42.

41. Smalling, K.L. et al. 2021. Metal accumulation varies with life history, size, and development of larval amphibians. Environmental Pollution 287:117368

40. Cragg**, S., K.K. Cecala, S.M. Fix, J. R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. 2021. Role of abiotic factors and habitat heterogeneity in the interactions between stream salamanders and crayfish in the southern Appalachians. Freshwater Science 40:608-614.

39. Stemp**, K.M., T.L. Anderson***, and J.M. Davenport. 2021. The effects of intraguild interactions (or lack of) on prey diversity in experimental pond food webs. Food Webs 29:e00207.


38. Ennen, J.R. , K.K. Cecala, P. Gould**, R. Colvin, J. Dennison, D. Garig**, S. Hyder**, L. Recker,* and J.M. Davenport. 2021. Size matters: the influence of trap and mesh size on turtle captures. Wildlife Society Bulletin 45:130-137.


37. Hyder, S.J.**, J.R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. 2021Ontogenetic and seasonal shifts in movement and habitat selection of the Alligator Snapping Turtle (Macrochelys temminckii). Amphibia-Reptilia 42:217-226. 


36. Stemp**, K.M., T.L. Anderson***, and J.M. Davenport. 2021. Macro-geographic scale variation of a keystone predator in a common garden environment. Population Ecology 63:5-13.

35. Kirsch*, D.R., S. Mitchell, J.M. Davenport, K.K. Cecala, and J.R. Ennen. 2021. Body size is related to temperature preference in Hyla chrysoscelis tadpoles. Journal of Herpetology 55:21-25.


34. Davenport, J.M., LA. Fishback, and B.R. Hossack. 2020Effects of experimental warming and simulated goose enrichment on wetland communities at the Arctic’s edge. Hydrobiologia 847:3677-3690.

33. Cecala, K.K., E.H. Walker*, J.R. Ennen, S.M. Mitchell, and J.M. Davenport. 2020. Seasonal variation in the strength of interference competition among headwater stream predators. Freshwater Biology 65:1440-1449.

32. Anderson***, T.L., K.M. Stemp, and J.M. Davenport. 2020Functional responses of Larval Marbled Salamanders (Ambystoma opacum) and Adult Lesser Siren (Siren intermedia) on anuran tadpole prey. Copeia 108:341-346.


31. Waddle, H. et al. 2020Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (Bsal) not detected in an intensive survey of North American amphibians. Scientific Reports 10:13012


30. Garig, D.F.**, J.R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. 2020. The legacy effects of a transient apex predator in a freshwater food web. Copeia 108:132-139.


29. Davenport, J.M., A.B. King*, A. Riley*, M.E. Hampson*, and P. Constantinides*. 2020. The non-consumptive effects of predators and personality on prey growth and mortality. Ethology 126:363-371.


28. Anderson***, T.L., K.M. Stemp, B.H. Ousterhout, D. Burton**, and J.M. Davenport. 2020. Impacts of phenological variability in a predatory salamander on pond food webs. Journal of Zoology 310:95-105.



27. Addis**, B., B. Tobalske, J.M. Davenport, and W.H. Lowe. 2019A distance-performance trade-off in the phenotypic basis of dispersal. Ecology and Evolution 9:10644-10653.



26. Hoffacker, M.L.*, K.K. Cecala, J.R. Ennen, S. Mitchell, and J.M. Davenport. 2018. Interspecific interactions are conditional on temperature in an Appalachian stream salamander community. Oecologia 188:623-631.


25. Bishir, S.C.**, B.R. Hossack, LA. Fishback, and J.M. Davenport. 2018. Post-breeding movement and habitat use by Wood Frogs along an Arctic-Subarctic ecotone. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 50:e1487657 

24. Davenport, J.M., and W.H. Lowe. 2018. Testing for microgeographic effects on the strength of interspecific competition. Copeia 106:501-506.

23. Lowe, W.H., B. Addis**, M. Smith*, and J.M. Davenport. 2018. The structure of individual variation in a headwater stream network. Freshwater Biology 63:1287-1299.


22. Liles*, LA, K.K. Cecala, J.R. Ennen, and J.M. Davenport. 2017. Elevated temperatures alter body condition and competitive outcomes in Appalachian salamanders. Animal Conservation 20:502-510.


21. Cecala, K.K., J.M. Davenport, J.R. Ennen, and W. Fields. 2017. Chapter 23: Amphibians and Reptiles in Methods in Stream Ecology, R. Hauer and G.A Lamberti (eds). Academic Press.

20. Davenport, J.M., M.E. Hampson*, M.E., A.B. King*, and S.C. Bishir**. 2017. The effects of sunfish on spotted salamander oviposition, hatching time, and larval survival. Amphibia-Reptilia 38:327-337.

19. Davenport, J.M., B.R. Hossack, and LA. Fishback. 2017. Additive impacts of experimental climate change increase risk to an ectotherm at the Arctic’s edge. Global Change Biology 23:2262-2271.

18. Davenport, J.M. and A. Riley*. 2017. Inter-Kingdom competition: Carnivorous plants affect growth of an aquatic vertebrate. Journal of Animal Ecology 86:484-489.

17. Mitchell, S.M, J.R. Ennen, K.K. Cecala, and J.M. Davenport. 2017. Ex-situ PIT-tag retention study in two Desmognathus species. Herpetological Review 48:3113-3115.


16. Chambert, T., B.R.Hossack, LA. Fishback, and J.M. Davenport. 2016. Estimating abundance in the presence of species uncertainty. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7:1041-1049.

15. Davenport, J.M. and B.R. Hossack. 2016. Re-evaluating geographic variation in life-history traits of a widespread Nearctic amphibian. Journal of Zoology 299:304-310.


14. Davenport, J.M., P.A. Seiwert**, L.A. Fishback and W.B. Cash. 2016. The interactive effects of fish predation and conspecific density on survival and growth of Rana sylvatica tadpoles in a subarctic wetland. Copeia 104:639-644.


13. Ennen, J.R., J.M. Davenport, and K.F. Alford. 2016. Evidence for asymmetric competition among headwater stream vertebrates. Hydrobiologia 772:207-213.


12. Davenport, J.M., and W.H. Lowe. 2016. Does dispersal alter the strength of intraspecific competition in a stream salamander? Journal of Zoology 298:46-53.


11. Deitchler, E.A.*, J.M. Davenport, and W.H. Lowe. 2015. Homing behavior of the northern spring salamander, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, in a northeastern U.S. headwater stream. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:235-541.




10. Davenport, J.M., B.R. Hossack and W.H. Lowe. 2014. Partitioning the non-consumptive effects of predators on prey with complex life histories. Oecologia 176:149-155.

9. Mondelli, M.*, J.M. Davenport, W.H. Lowe. 2014. Gyrinophilus porphytricus Diet: fish versus fishless headwater streams. Herpetological Review 45:109-110.


8. Davenport, J.M. and D.R. Chalcraft. 2014. Increasing conspecific density weakens the ability of intermediate predators to develop induced morphological defenses to top predators. Freshwater Biology 59:87-99. 



7. Davenport, J.M., P.A. Seiwert**, L.A. Fishback and W.B. Cash. 2013.  The effects of two fish predators on Wood Frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) tadpoles in a subarctic wetland: Hudson Bay Lowlands, Canada. Canadian Journal of Zoology 91:866-871.

6. Davenport, J.M. and D.R. Chalcraft. 2013.  Non-consumptive effects in a multiple predator system reduce the foraging efficiency of a keystone predator. Ecology and Evolution 3:3063-3072.


5. Davenport, J.M. and D.R. Chalcraft. 2012.  Evaluating the effects of trophic complexity on a keystone predator by disassembling a partial intraguild predation food web. Journal of Animal Ecology 81:242-250.


4. Davenport, J.M. and K. Summers. 2010.  Environmental influences on egg and clutch size in lentic- and lotic-breeding salamanders. Phyllomedusa 9:87-98. 



​3. Davenport, J.M. and A.F. Scott.  2009.  Amphibians and reptiles Fort Donelson National Battlefield, Stewart County, Tennessee. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Science 84:83-89.


2. Braswell, A., D.L. Stephan, J.M. Davenport, D.A. Beamer and T.N. Rogers. 2007. Ambystoma mabeei Diet. Herpetological Review. 38:173.


1. Davenport, J.M., J.R. Ennen, and A.F. Scott. 2004. New Records for Amphibians from Counties in South-Central Tennessee. Herpetological Review 36:209-210.

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